Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kit Kat Green Tea

   I'm not that fond of drinking green tea, but I am more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker. I prefer
English breakfast tea. I love Kit Kat chocolate. When I was still in teenager days, I can devour 1 regular block of Kit Kat. (It has four wafer fingers). The Kit Kat that is being sold now comes in two wafer fingers. I first tried Kit Kat Green Tea in a Japanese surplus store here in my country. At first taste, I wasn't not immediately hooked, but I guess liking this unique flavor is sort of an acquired taste. It's kind of bitter, and sweet at the same time. I read that Kit Kat green tea flavor (maybe the strength of green tea depends where you bought it. I'm talking about Kit Kat that is available abroad). I try to cut my sugar intake these past months, and I'm proud to say that this pack of Kit Kat that I bought, can lasts up to a month. I still have a single individual pack left with me. Now, when I eat Kit Kat green tea I didn't notice the bitterness now, but the taste reminds me more of creamy avocado. (weird huh?!). Well, that's just my opinion. I like avocado. So I also like Kit Kat Green Tea. Japanese Kit Kat have a lot of flavors, and we can really see how innovative, and creative Japanese are. So if you really want to have a break, don't hesitate buy a Kit Kat now. Kit Kat Green Tea (I believe this Kit Kat is made in Malaysia, if I'm not mistaken.), is available in all leading supermarket nationwide, and you can also check-out the Japanese thrift stores.

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