Anime (アニメ), or Japanese cartoons are popular all over the world. One of the popular studio animation is Toei. Japanese animation started in the 20th century. Some of the popular animation that I have seen while growing up, the most notable was Candy, Candy. It is the story of an orphan girl. I really like this anime because it shows the realities of life, and of course Candy has a love interest here, whom she calls her 'prince'. It is a really good anime, complete with villains, and allies of the main character. If you haven't seen this anime you should definitely check it out.
Japanese animation, has also adapted some popular English novels into cartoons, one of the popular classics that was shown in a local channel here, and dubbed in Filipino was Princess Sarah it is the retelling of the well-loved English classic written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. While the anime is not really faithful to the novel, there are additional scenes that were included that makes the story even more interesting and it doesn't deviate from the original story. This anime was very popular in my country that a live movie was made, that movie became a box-office. The next anime that we came to love was A Dog of Flanders, a novel by an English author named, Marie Louise de la Ramée. There were lots of movies made. This anime was really a tearjerker, and it is another must see. Other notable animes that you need to check-out are, Cedie, Trapp Family Story, and Heidi, Girl of the Alps. You can also check-out fairy tales anime, like Cinderella Monotogari which is an Italian-Japanese anime.
Other action animes that were personal favorites of mine are. Sailormoon, which I used to watch during my teen years. I really love their 'make-up' transformation, and the Usagi's love interest, Mamoru. I used to collect Sailormoon cards before, the original were really expensive and the fake ones, aren't really that good to collect. But I did own a Sailormoon mini-original album case. Sailormoon toys were also popular at that time, and they were really expensive. I dream of having the crescent-moon stick. There was even a live-action series made. Fans of Sailormoon should also see the live-action series. I also forgot to mention Cooking Master Boy, my brother and I were hooked in this anime, that we recorded every episode before. This is about a young genius chef named Mao, whose late mother is the fairy cook, or a well-know chef in their hometown. The story takes place in China. This anime reminds me of Master's Chef turned anime.
Other serious animes, (full of fighting scenes), are Ghostfighter, and Flame or Recca. I really like
Flame of Recca over Ghostfighter. It is the story of Recca Hanabishi who came from a line of ninjas, and where he has to battle his half-brother Kurei. Both were flame wielders who can shoot out flames from their arms/hands. Like Ghostfighter anime, Recca had allies too, and they battle into a tournament for the girl that they love. Both the female love interest from both animes have a special ability, Jenny, the love interest of Eugene (I just remembered the English names, and not the Japanese) can produce a pearl from her tears, while Yanagi, has a healing power, she has the power of healing anyone who's wounded or hurt. I also like, Fushigi Yugi or the Mysterious Play. The story is about two middle-school students, being sucked into a book, and they enter into another world. This is more dramatic, and also has a romance plot involve, Miaka and Tamahome. Other notables animes that I have seen were Magic Knight Ray Earth, Card Captor Sakura, and Pokemon, which has a phone app now that's really very popular called Pokemon Go!
Japanese animes, have really grown in each and everyone of us. This is one of the reason why the Japanese modern pop-culture is really popular especially among the youth, and adults. In this past-faced world, we can forget for awhile the bustle-and-hustle of life, and enter in the amazing world of anime. Everyone loves anime!, oh! anime!
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